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Encounter Details
Pre-Visit Access Questions
How did you make the appointment for this visit?
Last Visit Questions
How many days passed from when you asked for an appointment until the actual appointment date?
How would you rate your satisfaction with the wait for an appointment?
When you arrived at the practice, how would you rate the courtesy and helpfulness of the check-in staff?
How would you rate the cleanliness and appearance of the practice?
From the time of arrival, how would you rate your satisfaction with the wait time to see the provider?
How would you rate the way that the provider listened carefully to you (and your child)?
How would you rate the way the clinic has met your cultural and language needs during your visit?
How would you rate the Kintegra pharmacy customer service?
How do you feel about the following statement? The nominal fee (the small fee I’m asked to pay at my visit) is reasonable to me.
Overall Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Referral Intentions
Overall, how would you rate your most recent experience at Kintegra?
At what times do you want to be able to see your Care Team/Provider?

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